ures to prevent the public from getting what it wants, be this good, bad, or indifferent. We must begin by improving the entire atmosphere of superficiality, prudery, fear, and misunderstanding which now hangs like a pall over almost everything to do with sex, so that future generations will know how to accept what is true, honest, real, and full of meaning in this area, and reject what is not, leaving it to die of attrition.

Judging from the many liberal court decisions on "obscenity" which have established precedent in recent years, the outlook for literature and art in the future does not appear at all gloomy. As restraints are removed, and censorship activities discouraged or curtailed, the pendulum may swing for a time toward an overemphasis on sexual subjects in literature and the arts. Yet if educational institutions, including the family, do everything possible to represent sex in its proper proportions, meaning, and harmony with the rest of life, then the balance will be restored, and we will be able to look forward to a time when censorship of "obscenity" as now practiced, whether by postal or other agencies, will be a thing of the past. Meanwhile, it behooves all those interested, to attack unconstitutional forms, of censorship with as much vigor as possible, thus driving home to all the great issues of liberty and culture which are at stake.


Law & Contemporary Problems ("Obscenity and The Arts") Quarterly Review of the School of Law, Duke University, Vol. XX, No. 4.

The Trial of Lady Chatterley (The case of Regina v. Penguin Books, Ltd.), edited by C. H. Rolph from the transcripts of the trial at Old Bailey, October, 1960. . . A Penguin Paperback, 250 pp.

The Right to Know, Kent Cooper, Farrar, Straus and Cudahy, New York, 1956, 355 pp. Obscenity and the Law, Norman St. JohnStevas, Secker & Warburg, 1956, 289 pp. Report on Pornography, edited by Edsel Newton, The Los Angeles Daily Journal, Los Angeles, 24 pp.



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